"Then it is dark; a night where kings in golden suits ride elephants over the mountains." - John Cheever

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Get a tan, get thin, feel sexy. The Chemical Generation is just getting started...

Meanwhile the MP3 generation is still in full swing. Just get proper software like CDex.

Devon: The villages of Lynton and Lynmouth are connected with a really cool water powered railway. Lots of details at this site. This is a Must See if you are ever passing that way...

Not talked about, but since I didn't sleep again last night (arghh!) I watched early morning cartoons and....Trap Door is back!!! You remember Trap Door surely? Go here and choose it from the side menu. You know you want to.

High tech band have high tech website. Thank you, John, for bring that into my life...

That's all I remember....

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