"Then it is dark; a night where kings in golden suits ride elephants over the mountains." - John Cheever

Friday, February 22, 2008


Poor old Gazza, another low. Self-medicating all the way.

Hopefully this time he'll get some decent help and somehow turn things around.


Tom said...

Yes, on the one hand - why should we feel any more sorry for a millionaire wife-beating celeb than the thousands of screwed-up nobodies? At the same time, he is someone we've all known for years through the media, and one can't help but feel for such a desperate child.

John said...

He's not your typical millionaire wife-beating celeb I must say. Not your typical anything is Gazza.

Col said...

He was the Britney Spears of his day! The media have got a lot to answer for when celebs go off the rails, not to mentiona all the agents and advisers and folk who cash in. Although, guiltily, I was quite entertained to read that before he was sectioned he was running around with 3 battery operated parrots.

John said...

I always like the tale of Robert Downey Junior's arrest in LA (driving while naked and throwing imaginary rats out of the car).

Tom said...

Yes, however distressing it might be, you can't beat a celebrity going mad for tabloid incident. I read that the Gazza case also involved three pounds of raw liver.