"Then it is dark; a night where kings in golden suits ride elephants over the mountains." - John Cheever

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New York's High Line - Photo Gallery - Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine

Hey, nice. How is everyone btw?

New York's High Line - Photo Gallery - Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine


Unknown said...

Hi John, not too bad! My birthday today, so Guinness all round!

Sorry I've not been in touch; been a bit busy. Actually, I'm away to Seattle at the start of April for a week.

John said...

cool - happy birthday. seattle's excellent, have you been before?

Unknown said...

Nope, will actually be my first time in the US. I'll tell you the story behind this trip some time when I can figure out how to explain it!

Unknown said...

...or I'll do a write up of Seattle for this blog ;-)

John said...

look forward to reading it! somehow think you'll like seattle and the US generally.