"Then it is dark; a night where kings in golden suits ride elephants over the mountains." - John Cheever

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Strange spam

I just received a spam email with the following subject line and body copy (plus a hyperlink, which I've removed); it's like trying to read Finnegan's Wake:

Subject: craig ambassador parody bent haddock carburetor epsom jiffy retract abed fullback acadia churchgo criminal

Out of energy...if so, I think I've found the answer

[link was here]

datum holt areaway carolyn hanover declivity bengal brevet rhine indispensable sealant caribbean

indigo elizabeth penalty adaptation alienate hampshire biggs efficacy aftereffect centrifugate histamine infantrymen proffer away checklist compare alp eclipse ftc audible bloc indoor clark magi homebuilding consignee algal dc orthant guyana homologue equinox bryozoa bullfrog infrequent patrolmen carrion christ

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