"Then it is dark; a night where kings in golden suits ride elephants over the mountains." - John Cheever

Friday, December 02, 2005

Re-cycling - geddit?

Got any old bikes? They'll ship em to Africa.


John said...

That's great, projects of this kind are excellent. I see there's an affiliated collection centre in Glasgow...

Tom said...

Yes, great scheme. Btw, do we get money for the google ads appearing on this page?

John said...

I added the ads - we made 78 cents in November, zilch so far in December. You actually need to give google your tax details to receive any cash (all proceeds from ads on fitzroytuesday.blogspot.com to be split between the four of us of course...)

Tom said...

Good work. Let's see if we can raise enough for a round of beers. Presumably we just have to get people to click on the ads to make any money?