I invited Seumas to this event I was helping to run last night in collaboration with NTK. And I'm very glad he came. Not only was it good to see him, but it was Seumas who fixed things during the obligatory technology failures when speakers changed laptops.
I was very pleased with the event itself. Six speakers talking about their latest ideas/products in the technology/audio-visual field. These included: Promise TV, a new TV hard-drive that surpasses Sky Plus+ and will hopefully bring the end of adverts; a well-argued lament around the lack of innovation in the evolution of video games controls; an anthropologist's observations of information flows on the isles of Scilly and how he is turning this into Trampoline, a new knowledge sharing software system; a conceptual art project that attempts to visualize information connections (I didn't really get this one); and an open source approach to geographic mapping, based around Flickr.
sounds like a brilliant one - makes me feel desperately out of the loop up here.
Didn't Web 2.0 used to refer to an entirely new internet infrastructure/architecture? People were talking about this a couple of years ago. America was doing one and Europe another. What happened to all that?
Tom - your event got a mention on the New Scientist Technology blot - see the bit on promise TV:
Cheers for that Colin. I'm not quite sure what Web 2.0 means anymore. There is a good entry on Wikipedia, which admits that it seems to refer to whatever happens to be the buzz at any particular moment. It doesn't seem to relate to any particular internet infrastructure, so much as new types of content/applications/interface beyond the web page.
Read something a couple of days ago that said Web 2.0 was basically a catch-all term to mean all the internet services that go beyond static (or mainly static) html content.
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