Read this book of essays the other week. I'd always been suspicious of John Gray, since his philosophy is largely based around attacking liberalism and the enlightenment. It's actually one of the most provocative (in a good way) things I've read for ages. It genuinely troubled me, and one has to acknowledge that his essays from the late 90s have, so far, proved to be far far better predictors of the 21st century than any of the new economy/end of history guff that was so fashionable at the time.
I'd like to read this too (Fitzrovian Bookclub anyone?). Maybe we could buy a single copy of the book and mail it round...
Not that surprised to read a sermon referencing a work like this - as far as I can make out sermons are often written by thoughtful and sophisticated people.
Yes, that's a very interesting sermon, which well captures the peculiarities of Gray's thinking. He is an atheist and passionate Darwinist, but (dramatically unlike most intellectuals) actually thinks Christian faith is a more 'true' and useful account of human existence than liberal secularism. I can see why the sermon writer (ie an intelligent and sophisticated anglican) is to taken with Gray's book.
Is Gray an atheist or a committed agnostic? I increasingly find militant atheism (ie Dawkins) simplistic and liable to stick in the craw.
Yes, I used to love Dawkins but find it a bit of a turn off now.
On that note, check out this massive attack on his latest book in the LRB by Eagleton.
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