"Then it is dark; a night where kings in golden suits ride elephants over the mountains." - John Cheever

Monday, November 26, 2007

TV tonight

This looks really good.


Col said...

It does. Did. Was it any good?

John said...

Didn't see it and therefore have no idea. Bet it was though!

I'm definitely going to go and see the Golden Compass at the movies...

Col said...

You can't go wrong with giant polar bears! I'm not, because I haven't read the books and would rather do that first.

John said...

I've got Northern Lights cued up to read to Jennifer when she gets just a little bit older. My pal Richard has started reading Harry Potter to his 4.5 year old boy, but I'm inclined to sidestep Hogwarts (in book form at least, I like the movies).

Tom said...

God - I wish I'd seen this, sounds brilliant. I read the Dark Materials trilogy a few years ago. It's very good, though a bit over-ambitious. I actually think the Harry Potter books are better.