"Then it is dark; a night where kings in golden suits ride elephants over the mountains." - John Cheever

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Was listening to Radio 2 in the car this evening

Marc Radcliffe and Steve Lamac - it was bloody brilliant.


Tom said...

I love Radio 2, and also Radio 6. It's amazing what an incredible institution the BBC is, providing suitable entertainment from cradle to grave (apart from teenagers).

Btw, all the adverts on the site are for financial services/investment funds. Don't tell me that somehow the Fitz has become associated with an affluent demographic target?

Col said...

I hardly ever listen to music radio anymore. The inane prattle of the DJs makes me psychotic with irritation. I had high hopes for 6 Music, but even on that the shows are frequently hosted by infuriating idiots. I know this makes me sound like a 63-year old high court judge, but I wish they'd just play the sodding music and shut up. I hardly ever listen to anything but Radio 4 and, tentatively, Radio 3 these days, or shuffling the ipod. Even so, I am thankful for the BBC.

Col said...

That said, I've just discovered that Adam and Joe do a show on 6 Music - I used to love them.

God, I sound like an old fart in previous post.

Tom said...

Yes, Adam and Joe is good. I also like the fact that they haven't become mega stars/cultural icons. They basically do the same thing, with more or less the same levels of success and recognition, as they did in 1995.

Btw, Fitz ads have reverted to eastern philosophy gurus, wacko religious groups and sci-fi cults - much more appropriate.

Col said...

I bought their dvd a couple of years ago, primarily so that I could watch their soft toys/star wars figures recreations of films and TV series. The rave dancing 'American Beauty' plastic bag still cracks me up.

I might try to find a whacko religious cult to join. Makes about as much sense as work and politics these days.

Col said...

Or American Beautoy even

John said...

glad to hear google's come to its (ad)senses viz a viz this site!