I don't know if it's a sign that I'm getting old, she's got better or the world has got an awful lot worse, but the
news that Ann Widdecombe is retiring from the House of Commons left me feeling (ever so slightly) regretful. Ten years ago she was a figure of utter hatred and I would have been thrilled to see the back of her, but now she seems more like an eccentric old aunt.
1 comment:
Was that a pro-Widdie or anti-Widdie comment?
I think everyone used to see Widdecombe as the embodiment of Daily Mailishness, but she probably is better than that. Socially conservative in the same way as those on the less liberal end of the Church of England, but she has never really been the face of rapacious economic liberalism, which reflects well on her now. And she stands up for what she believes in, even when not the party line (e.g. anti fox hunting).
Most politicians seem to get better with age, whatever party they are in. Once they're out of the thick of it, elevated to elder statesperson status and can say what they actually think, they are generally wise and worth listening to. I think its good that they tend to end up in the Lords. Douglas Hurd always seems alright these days, even Tebbit is almost tolerable, and everyone loves Tony Benn, including those who despised him in the 70s. Nigel Lawson bucks the trend, in that I can stand him less now than in the 80s.
And yes, you're getting old Tom, and being sentimental!
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