"Then it is dark; a night where kings in golden suits ride elephants over the mountains." - John Cheever

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Britain's Happiness in Decline

Not in the least surprised by this


John said...

Makes sense to me. After income covers society's subsistence needs the surplus production gets funnelled into futile pleasure seeking and a darwinian arms race of status oriented materialism. Word.

Col said...

Apparently Portugal has the optimum happiness to effort ratio - they're economy is big enough for most to be relatively happy, but they don't have to work as hard as all the richer countries, which aren't really any happier.

John said...

And it's sunny!

Tom said...

And of course all the mainstream parties are still hung-up on economic growth and wealth creation rather than what acutally makes us happy. For this, and other reasons, I voted Green in local elections today (although now feel bad about it, as Camden might go to LibDem/Conservative joint control).