"Then it is dark; a night where kings in golden suits ride elephants over the mountains." - John Cheever

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

With no power comes no responsibility

Clerks 2 - hurrah!


Tom said...

Wow - looks great. After roughly eight years in the grown-up world of work, I'm actually more receptive to slacker counter culture than I was as a student.

John said...

Good while the new one looks, and without wishing to lapse into hyperbole, the first Clerks is the best film ever created in this or any other universe.

Interesting btw that the dominant cosmology in Clerks appears to have shifted from Star Wars in the first one to LOTR in the second...

Col said...

Probably not as refreshing as the first, but I'd like to see it anyway. I notice a few faces from My Name is Earl (some of them Kevin Smith regulars), which has a similar vibe. I'd love to go slacker, if only it could be done without the subsistence wages.

Col said...

Or is that missing the point?