"Then it is dark; a night where kings in golden suits ride elephants over the mountains." - John Cheever

Saturday, November 25, 2006


I discovered alloftv.net recently. It's really just a directory, linked to video hosted on other sites, so the quality's variable and some of the links have gone dead. But I've watched a few episodes of Mighty Boosh, the Simpsons and American Dad and it worked pretty well. I would much prefer to consume telly on a video-on-demand basis, but it's bound to take broadcasters ages to come up with a cheap enough model for mainstream use. The BBC should make all their shows available on this basis to license payers.


John said...

Cool - a most excellent resource for accessing US cartoons while Emmerdale and Coronation Street are on :-)

I used to bittorrent lots of great UK tv via uknova.com but my membership lapsed and membership is currently closed.

John said...

Just as a follow up to this, by continually refreshing the sign up page I managed to get an account. Fantastic. The site seems pretty above board - you're not allowed to share any material that is already available on DVD etc - and have already downloaded the entire series of Jonathan Ross's Japanorama and a 1980 documentry on Jethro Tull. Now all I need is some spare time to watch them...

Col said...

Have they got this? One of the best documentaries I've ever seen.

John said...

they haven't. they've got einstein's universe and einstein's unfinished symphony but not einstein's brain. it's possible to request shows if they're not showing up as available though...