"Then it is dark; a night where kings in golden suits ride elephants over the mountains." - John Cheever

Saturday, January 29, 2005

This season I will mostly be wearing...

Who's for an Asteroids t-shirt then? I don't really understand the geek ones though.


John said...

ok - vi and emacs are unix text editors, rm -rf /* is a unix command that, when executed by a user with "root" privileges, will delete everything on the computer (rm = remove; the -r switch = recursive; the -f switch = force; the / root directory of the filesystem; * wildcard for everything).

Col said...

Thanks - but why do they say 'editor holy wars' on the sleeve?

John said...

there's a sort of beatles/stones thing between users of said text editors, so i guess that's what the "editor holy wars" caption is about. don't think i noticed it first time i looked at the link, over-egging the pudding somewhat i think.

John said...

just for the record, I use vi.

Col said...

Dur, now I get it. I remember using emacs when I did an 'introcuction to c++' course. I couldn't really get the hang of it.

John said...

that's cos emacs is rubbish. use vi.