"Then it is dark; a night where kings in golden suits ride elephants over the mountains." - John Cheever

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


On second thoughts, Galloway's alright after all.


John said...

dunno if i'd go as far as to say that, but that's quite entertaining. i wonder how fox news is reporting it (if at all).

John said...

oops, actually it's currently frontpage.

Tom said...

Watched it in full on BBC Interactive last night, and I'm quite prepared to modify my grumblings about him. He may be a gigantic ego, but he was utterly magnificent yesterday. An incredible display of controlled anger and intelligence, fuelled by his (I'm pretty sure) undoubted innocence.

Col said...

If you go to google.com news today, search under 'galloway', and check some of the US news reports, its quite interesting. A lot of them quote him extensively. Although some have a weird take on who he is - describing him as 'UK lawmaker', and claiming he was kicked out of labour for 'his support of Saddam' rather than opposition to war, which aren't the same thing.

John said...

from what i understand from reading the herald and tribune, "lawmaker" is just US journalese for politician. one of those funny words they've come up with over there - I'm still getting my head around "homeland."