"Then it is dark; a night where kings in golden suits ride elephants over the mountains." - John Cheever

Monday, May 16, 2005

More on What the Bleep

Dickie Dawkings having a pop in today's Grauniad. Bet the bloke from Edinburgh feels a bit foolish, his criticisms far milder than the rest of them.


John said...

i'll get my coat...

Tom said...

As much as I love Saint Dawkins, I do feel that he sometimes lets his temper get the better of him. The New Age types he's trying to reason with are only going to be further turned off by science by this kind of aggressive polemic.

John said...

i agree, he is a bit strident. since there's always going to be mind/body stuff that humans can't really explain in a scientific way i find *militant* atheism a bit overbearing.